Kaiden and I went to have a mini picnic at the tennis court in our complex, so we can let scrappy run and be free. We are playing for awhile then we see this red van pull into the complex, stop by the garbage can and start digging in there for cans three
Hispanic two guys one lady and
some kids. They are taking my cans I bought and trying to get money for them plus showing there little kids its
OK to be garbage diggers for a living.
grrr I can't believe some people the lady saw me looking over there and I just shook my head in disgust.
Kaiden asks what they are doing when we walked back home and I had to tell him they were doing something wrong and it is not
OK to do that ever.
luckily the garbage man came 5 min later and scared them off they only made it to one bin instead of the 4 they could have got..